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Razhden Kuprashvili is presently engaged in a work-related visit to Spain

Razhden Kuprashvili, the Head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, is presently engaged in a work-related visit to Spain.
The significant meeting convened with Joan Linares Gomez, the Director of the Anti-Fraud Agency of Valencia.
The dialogue centered around the Anti-Fraud Agency's strategic experiences and objectives in the realm of combatting corruption. Similarly, the conversation extended to the Anti-Corruption Bureau’s future ambitions and key focus areas. Additionally, the current situation and the challenges faced in Georgia’s ongoing fight against corruption were brought to light.
The potential avenues for enhanced support and collaborative endeavors were also explored with keen interest.
Distinguished attendees included Anselm Bodoque Arribas, Head of the Training Department; Irene Bravo Rey, Head of the Prevention Department; Gustavo Adolfo Segura Huerta, Director of the Analysis and Investigation Department; Maria Teresa Lopez Ferrer, Head of the Documentation and Reporting Department; Jose Santiago Torres, Director of Torres & Oliva Legal Advisory; and Vasil Babluani, Advisor to the Anti-Corruption Bureau.