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The Head of the Anti-corruption bureau, Razhden Kuprashvili, approved the statute of the Anti-corruption bureau.
The statute was approved within the time frame specified by Article 2, Clause 3 of the Law of Georgia on "amending the law on conflict of interests and corruption in public institutions", and according to the first paragraph of Article 20, 21bis of the Law of Georgia on “Combating the corruption".
A legal entity under public law, the Anti-Corruption Bureau, formed under the legislative amendments, will operate independently and be accountable to both, the Parliament of Georgia and the Interagency Anti-Corruption Council.
Razhden Kuprashvili was appointed as the head of the LEPL Anti-Corruption Bureau
Meeting with the representative of the Council of Europe office
Meeting with Davit Ghongadze the deputy director of the International Foundation for Election Systems