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About Bureau

The European choice of Georgia and the firm will of the people to become a member of the European family is confirmed by the Constitution of Georgia. The Supreme Law of the Land stipulates the obligation to take all measures for the full integration into the European Union. The most important step taken in this direction is Georgia's submitting application to join the European Union on March 03, 2022, followed by the decision of the Council of Europe to recognize Georgia’s European perspective on June 23, 2022, once 12-priorities specified in the Commission’s opinion on Georgia’s membership application have been addressed. With the mentioned decision, the relations between Georgia and the European Union moved to a higher level. The 4th point of the 12-Priority Plan includes the strengthening of anti-corruption mechanisms. In order to fulfill this priority, on November 30, 2022, on the basis of the amendments made to the law of Georgia "On the Fight Against Corruption", an independent Legal Entity of Public Law - the Anti-Corruption Bureau was formed. Within the framework of the mentioned reform, the corruption prevention mechanisms were united under the umbrella of a single institution. The Anti-Corruption Bureau has started its functioning at a time when the country has a top position in international rankings, including in the region. According to the 2022 data, Georgia ranks 41st out of 180 countries in the Transparency International’s "Corruption Perception Index". According to the "Global Competitiveness Report" of the World Economic Forum, Georgia is assessed as 20th in the world, 11th in Europe and 2nd among the post-Soviet countries in the fight against corruption; Last but not least, Georgia ranks 46th out of 196 countries according to the "Global Corruption Index 2022". The objective of the Anti-Corruption Bureau is to facilitate the fight against corruption within its powers. According to the Law of Georgia, the Bureau exercises a high level of independence. The Bureau is tasked to define the General Policy against the fight of Corruption. In this regard, it has envisaged to take certain steps, such as, to develop the following strategy documents: General Policy Document (Concept of the Anti-Corruption Policy); The National Anti-Corruption Strategy; The Action Plan of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and so on. Moreover, in order to identify and prevent Conflict of Interest, it is tasked to enforce legal measures and develop appropriate proposals and recommendations. The Bureau also ensures the oversight of high-level Officials' Asset Declarations; Monitoring of the financial activities of political parties; Monitoring the financial activities of the citizens’ political associations (political parties), electoral subjects and persons with a declared electoral purpose. To reach the goal of combating corruption, the Bureau is also tasked to implement other appropriate measures, as expected.


Anti-Corruption Policy

Anti-Corruption Policy

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Anti-corruption Bureau

On March 31, 2023, the State Ceremonies Palace held an official presentation of the Anti-corruption Bureau to interested national and international parties. The meeting was attended by members of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of various public institutions, representatives of embassies, etc.

The meeting was opened by the Prime Minister of Georgia. The Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia, Shalva Papuashvili, also addressed the audience. The head of the bureau, Razhden Kuprashvili, spoke about the future plans and priorities of the bureau.

Anti-corruption Bureau