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On the creation of an independent commission for the selection of property status declarations of officials to be verified during the year

Conditions for joining the independent commission for the selection of officials to be inspected during the year: Disclosures should be monitored throughout the year:

The Anti-Corruption Bureau invites members from non-governmental groups and academic circles to join the independent committee for the selection of officials to be monitored throughout the year.

According to the guidelines set out by the Government of Georgia's Resolution No. 81 of February 14, 2017, titled "On the Approval of the Instruction for Monitoring the Declaration of the Assets of the Official to be monitored," the following requirements must be fulfilled by representatives of non-governmental organizations and academic circles:

With regard to non-governmental groups:

a) The organization may nominate only one candidate for commission membership, who must be specifically designated by the organization, qualified to head or represent a legal entity, or a member of the management body;

b) The organization must have been registered as a non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entity for at least five years;

c) The organization requires an official webpage, providing access to details on its operations;

d) The organization's projects, initiatives, and activities should include monitoring and verifying officials' property status disclosures since their founding;

e) There shouldn't be any pending criminal cases against the organization or a conviction that carries legal consequences in a criminal case.

In the instance of an academic circle representative:

Research covering anti-corruption issues is required.

Additional criteria for candidates representing academic circles and non-governmental organizations:

a) Cannot be a state or civil servant;

b) Must not be a family member and/or a close relative of an official as defined in Article 2 of the Law of Georgia "On Combating Corruption";

c) There should not be any criminal prosecution against them, nor should there be a legally binding judgment of the court in a criminal case;

d) The same person cannot be elected as a member of the commission twice in a row.

Non-governmental organizations shall submit information and data about their representative in the commission to the bureau no later than 5 calendar days after the selection.

Candidates who wish to join the commission must submit their application and any supporting documentation proving compliance with the aforementioned requirements by November 30, 2023. Applications should be sent to the official Anti-Corruption Bureau email address: