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Razhden Kuprashvili, the Head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, met with Shannon Green, Assistant to the Administrator for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance

Razhden Kuprashvili, the Head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau, met with Shannon Green, Assistant to the Administrator for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance.

During his visit to Georgia, the USAID Assistant Administrator reviewed the local mission's tasks in democracy and governance.
The discussion centered on the main operational directions of the Anti-Corruption Bureau and the challenges faced in combating corruption.
An important topic of the meeting was determining the significance of contemporary technologies and digitalization in the process of fighting corruption.
The meeting was also attended by Tamta Kachkachishvili, the First Deputy Head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau; Ana Kalandadze, Deputy Head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau; Besiki Vekua, Head of the Department of Monitoring of Asset Declarations of Officials; Ivane Chogovadze and Giorgi Bagdavadze, analysts at the Department of International Relations of the Anti-Corruption Bureau; Alex Sokolowski, Deputy Assistant Administrator, USAID; John A. Pennell, Mission Director, USAID/Georgia; Nick Detsch, Regional Coordinator, USAID; Lisa Kovack, DRG Office Director, Control Officer, USAID/Georgia; and Lina Panteleeva, DRG Office Governance Specialist, Site Officer.